Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Clear Creek Trail Hike

For GO Club, the girls turned a Girl's-Camp-required 3-mi hike into an awesome 5-mi hike through woods, grassy trails and the urban jungle of Silverdale.

Check out our perfectly beautiful sunny day!!


Car Maintenance

It's never too early to start thinking about how to care for and repair your vehicle.

Thanks to Brother Anderson for better acquainting us with what's under the hood of our cars and for generously donating both his time and truck to hone our skills.

 Our first activity was to see if we could recognize and name some of the tools we should be familiar with.

Next, we got a lesson on some of the car parts we should be aware of and what they do.
The handout can be viewed or downloaded in pdf format HERE!

Even Bishop Byron stopped by to share his expertise.

The real action, however, was checking our tire air pressure, trying our hand at changing the engine oil and the air filter, and having a little silly fun.